There are diverse roles in the offing in the world of Big Data. The industry workforce employed in this domain are certainly not experts in each vertical and technology. There is always a little room left to learn more. The survey released by US Bureau of Economic Analysis proves the same. There is a clear indication on how Big Data professionals aren’t proficient in both Data and non-Data analytics tools and roles.
With 57% of total strength knowing very well how to handle Data analytics roles. And the other 43% being proficient in non-Data analytics tool.
With SQL clearly winning the popularity contest in Data handling roles, and gaining 42% of ‘YES’ in number of people proficient in this tool, 29% were expert in non-Data analytics functions in the same technology framework.
Next in line was the statistical computing software R, with 33% users being proficient in Data management using this application and 10% being in non-Data roles.
Python and Excel ranked neck-to-neck, with approximately one fourth of all users using them for Data analysis and between 11-15% using them for other functions. It may be noted that python is one of the fastest growing languages among Big Data developers for its ease of use.