Multi-national behemoths, such as IBM, Microsoft & even Google haven't figured out the exhaustive list of uses for Big Data.
Does real-time analytics work for big data? You bet, it does. But to answer this question more descriptively one ought to know what made us even ask this question. If one was familiar with emergent trends in the IT field, then they could not have helped but to ask the question, “What is Big Data, after all?” Such neutral minded professionals are having to ask this question instead of “How does Big Data work?” because multi-national behemoths, such as IBM, Microsoft & even Google haven’t figured out the exhaustive list of uses for Big Data.
Upon taking the time to establish a few patterns, while discussing the emergence of new branches of security in IT, one would notice that an idea doesn’t drop randomly out of the sky, and fall into some Newton’s head. It is always an existing technology along with its deficiency that creates the demand for something better. Conventional means of data storage have therefore paved way for an architecture that could process information in real-time and serve it on a platter to our scientists. And just like the fire in the forest, which was initially a demand is now becoming a plea of rescue from the hands of less-efficient means of computational intelligence and deliver companies to the safe havens of Real-time Analytics.
Business Intelligence responding in Real-TimeThose relying on static business intelligence should prepare themselves for a head-on collision with the Dynamic Business Environment bullet train that is sweeping the redundant aside with its speed. An ideal 21st-century business requires the latest generation of business discipline, to in-take real time events, with a sprinkle of dynamic live data from diverse sources for producing relevant patterns. This is how Streaming Analytics (SA), got its’ name.
Initiatives with the likes of Spark, Kafka etc. have been modeled to upgrade the processing capability of big data solutions. Corporations will instinctively shun POCs and readily embrace real world applications.
While typical business intelligence relies on a “store first, analyze after” paradigm, the SA discards the latency drivers and instead analyzes business events as they occur. To allow such changes to effectively take shape, the following capabilities are required:
- Instant detection and responsiveness with respect to business events backed by self-service/rule-based event processing.
- Promptness in accessing live operational data via a data-replication apparatus.
- A medium for harnessing data which expedites the delivery for all business intelligence tools & and dashboards deploying data visualization.
- An ever-ready access to each Enterprise Data Sources that includes all social media channels (even unstructured data).
We thought you’d ask this question eventually, so let’s get to it. Real-time results through Big Data Analytics are a must-have:
Why Does a Business Need Real-Time Results After all?- To lend a helping hand in arriving at constructive operational decisions so as to further the business processes, transactions, and other production essentials swiftly.
- Prescribe models that might have pre-existed but are still applicable to the business.
- Report the current set of analysis while simultaneously keeping historical information (relevant) ready for use.
- Receive notifications based on pre-defined parameters.
- Monitor constantly changing streams of transactions (e.g. hourly sales) on dashboards.

American Media Conglomerate, Viacom, is building a real-time analytics platform, combining Apache Spark and Databricks to improve its video feed across the world, to improve its’ customer retention. BuzzFeed, the internet company, is known for using MongoDB to monitor the different times when the posts are read as well as how the viewers are engaging with news articles on its website. Otto, Germany’s largest E-commerce player, uses real-time data analytics to store every single interaction with each part of the website in the database.
Are you ready to take charge?With the entire IT bubble dancing to this tune, you wouldn’t want to be left behind would you? A certification in Analytics is your passport to get on the plane and fly. While degrees/diplomas are structured to familiarize you with an industry, a certification focuses on feeding you the ingredients to your next delicacy.
Take charge and claim that, which distinguishes you from the crowd.